It was just a week ago where LCUB installed a new transformer at our house. Late yesterday afternoon, we had a pretty good thunderstorm come through the area with lots of wind, lightning, and even a little bit of hail. And, near the end our power got knocked out. Sure enough, it was just our house that was out.

The LCUB overhead line crew came out, and it turned out to be the same crew as last week. But, they couldn't find anything wrong with the overhead lines. So, they called in the “subsurface crew” and said it could be quite a while before we got power back. The “subsurface crew” worked several hours and couldn’t find any problems with the subsurface lines. So, they “re-powered” us, and the power stayed on. Their thoughts were that the overhead crew missed a branch or something. All I know is that we have power again (after 6 hours)! Let’s hope it’s the last time for a while.


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About Me

Although I've been thinking and writing as "freshman mom", I guess that technically, I'm now the mom of a sophmore as my daugher has just completed her freshman year at the University of Florida (studying mechanical/biomedical engineering).
