Web cams are everywhere, providing us a real-time glimpse of things elsewhere. Many years ago, I discovered http://www.africam.com/, which provided refresh (static) web cam pictures from several watering holes in Africa. Of course now the site has updated to streaming video. There’s also a site called http://www.ustream.tv/ which has zillions of websites with streaming videos.

Many other sites offer webcams, including many National Park sites. I’ve been checking the pictures at Mt. Rainier daily to see what the weather is, and how the snow melt is progressing. The pictures included are the Tatoosh range (which is along the southern boundary of the national park) and part of Mt. Rainier.

An interesting fact is that the better the weather, the worse the cell phone signal. It usually takes several tries for Jenn to find a signal strong enough to allow an actual conversation.

You can see the web cams at:


Just remember, that no matter where you are, someone may be watching!


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About Me

Although I've been thinking and writing as "freshman mom", I guess that technically, I'm now the mom of a sophmore as my daugher has just completed her freshman year at the University of Florida (studying mechanical/biomedical engineering).
