David & I have gotten a lot of comments about Jenn’s trip west, with many expressing their concerns over her traveling so far by herself. And honestly, we both have our concerns, but felt that Jenn possesses sufficient maturity and intelligence to manage the trip.

Now that the trip is underway, I’ve noticed that David & I have different approaches to dealing with Jenn’s trip. David likes to know exactly where she is, what roads she’s on, what’s the weather, temperature, snow conditions, what mountain passes and elevations are up ahead, etc. I prefer the “ignorance is bliss” approach. I just don’t want to know the specific details – it only adds more fuel for me to worry about. And let’s face it, I can find plenty to worry about, including (but not limited to): falling asleep while driving, driving over a cliff, getting run down by a big truck or other accidents, meeting a “Norman Bates” type at some motel (see Psycho if you don’t know who Norman Bates is), getting eaten by a grizzly bear, run over/gored by a buffalo, falling into a hot spring, etc. And those are just the primary fears. Then there’s the “other” fears, such as a major volcanic eruption (Mt. St. Helens is only 50 miles away, Mt Hood is also nearby, as are several other volcanic peaks). Add in the fears for joining a cult, deciding to quit college to be a ski bum, zombie attacks, etc, and you can see that I can find plenty to worry about with all the day to day trivial details.

I’ve sort of looked as this trip as swimming, once you can no longer touch bottom, it really doesn’t matter if the water is 12 ft or 200-ft deep. Similarly, whether she’s at school in Florida or on the west coast in Washington, it’s still just a plane ride away!

Pictures of some of our local "wildlife".


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About Me

Although I've been thinking and writing as "freshman mom", I guess that technically, I'm now the mom of a sophmore as my daugher has just completed her freshman year at the University of Florida (studying mechanical/biomedical engineering).
